Acclaimed as one of America’s premier dog and sporting artists, Joseph Sulkowski shares his personal conversation with the outdoor life in a style of Poetic Realism. Influenced and guided by the hands of the Old Masters, he creates fluid brushstrokes that imbue his canvases with a compelling blend of light, atmosphere and spatial effects that bring his passion for the sporting life into vivid focus for the viewer.

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Whether it’s still-lifes, dog paintings or scenes of hunters and anglers, Joseph Sulkowski derives his inspiration from personal contact with the natural world. He carries out his visions through a lifelong discipline to his craft in which hand-ground paints, carefully prepared oils and varnishes, and handcrafted linen canvases and gessoed panels play a vital role in the quality of each work of art.

He will be at the 2020 Southeastern Wildlife Exposition in Charleston, SC, Feb. 14-16.
