The Shining Tides: Fall

The Shining Tides: Fall

Roccus fed and strengthened, yet did not grow in size. Despite her healing, her feeding, her strengthening, she continued to waste away. Roccus sank to the bouldered deeps off Mashnee. The hooks of the plug were merely an annoyance, the weight of it a nuisance, which...
Arizona’s rattlesnakes most active April

Arizona’s rattlesnakes most active April

So far, 39 bites have been reported statewide in 2020 and counting 19 of those bites were recorded in the month of April, the month when rattlesnakes are the most active. In warm deserts, rattlesnakes are most active March through October. During the spring,...
Memories at Goosepond Creek

Memories at Goosepond Creek

It was remote, dark and distant, and about as wild and woolly as a place could be. It was a pilgrimage of sorts, this journey of ours. It had been a long time since we had been to “Goosepond.” It had been called that since colonial times, and legend held...
The Shining Tides: Summer

The Shining Tides: Summer

Roccus sinuated, swirled and sounded, and all the line so laboriously won was lost before the boat could be brought on a following course. So the May was gone. The backward spring leaped to keep abreast of the sun’s orbit. Anglers sandpapered rods, wound guides and...
The Shining Tides: Spring

The Shining Tides: Spring

Roccus the striped bass had survived man’s hooks and nets and the ocean’s deadliest predators…and now, in her last years, she’d become the largest of her kind. Sun and a wafer edge of dissolving moon rose a few minutes apart. From a late roost...
California Steelhead: The Fish of a Thousand Casts

California Steelhead: The Fish of a Thousand Casts

A Little Background Oncorhynchus mykis – aka Steelhead – are a unique form of rainbow trout. Born in high country freshwater, they experience a physiological transformation within a year that allows them to survive in the ocean. They spend most of their...
Peter Beard’s Exotic Eye — His Life and Death

Peter Beard’s Exotic Eye — His Life and Death

The unlikely life, art and death of legendary artist and adventurer Peter Beard. Peter Beard was a hard man to peg. A photographer of wildlife and beautiful women, a writer, an ethnologist, explorer, hunter, naturalist, conservationist, ladies man, married man, wise...
Pretty Fly for a Tie Guy

Pretty Fly for a Tie Guy

Tim Borski is making a career from the same inspiration that compelled him to leave Wisconsin and head to Florida more than 30 years ago. Tim Borski stood looking at spring snow, nine inches of heartbreaking fluff. The day prior had been in the 70s, and he had caught...