Dan’s 12 Quail Hunting Tips

Dan’s 12 Quail Hunting Tips

These practical quail hunting tips are excerpted from the article “Dan,” by Bud Temple that originally appeared in the June 2019 issue of Sporting Classics magazine. I had frequently stopped at the little crossroads restaurant 16 miles north of my home in Wabash,...
Tia’s Ak Hunt Tips Part 2

Tia’s Ak Hunt Tips Part 2

This article first appeared on RonSpomerOutdoors.com In her previous blog on RSO, Alaska hunting guide and bush pilot Tia Shoemaker gave us five great AK hunt tips for a successful hunting experience in her neck of the woods. In this blog she gives us five more. 6) Be...
7 Tips for Staying Safe in Bear Country

7 Tips for Staying Safe in Bear Country

Below is a news release from the Beaverhead-Deer Lodge National Forest in southwest Montana. Archery hunters are, by design, good at sneaking up on bears unobserved. They also provide bears with an attractive food source in the form of gut piles and carcasses. Follow...