How To Turn A 240sq. ft. Shack Into A First-Rate Outdoorsman’s Kitchen
At first glance, the little 12-by-20-foot building nestled in the trees behind the house might look just like a shack used to house lawn equipment and ‘stuff’ that will eventually wind up donated to a resale store. Once inside my little “Cooking Shack,”...
Tia’s Ak Hunt Tips Part 2
This article first appeared on RonSpomerOutdoors.com In her previous blog on RSO, Alaska hunting guide and bush pilot Tia Shoemaker gave us five great AK hunt tips for a successful hunting experience in her neck of the woods. In this blog she gives us five more. 6) Be...
7 Tips for Staying Safe in Bear Country
Below is a news release from the Beaverhead-Deer Lodge National Forest in southwest Montana. Archery hunters are, by design, good at sneaking up on bears unobserved. They also provide bears with an attractive food source in the form of gut piles and carcasses. Follow...
10 Tips to Bag More Ringnecks
Ringneck pheasants are easier to bag if you watch their reaction to your shot.

7 Tips for Traveling with Your Gundog
Don’t risk your dog’s health by not being prepared for the journey.

How to Plan an African Safari for Less
Chase your dreams without ruining your credit score.

How to Find Your Best Rifle Ever
One day you pick up a rifle and realize it is no longer a dream, but a dream maker.

How to Choose the Right Rifling Twist
A simple guide that won’t leave your head spinning.

More Simple Tricks to Up Your Average on Doves
More sage advice from Sporting Classics’ shotguns columnist.