How To keep Your Dog Safe From Toxic Algae

How To keep Your Dog Safe From Toxic Algae

Spot the toxic algae Don’t let your dog drink or swim in water if: It’s slimy or looks like foam, scum or mats on the surface of the water. The color is weird. Harmful algal blooms can be blue, bright green, brown or red and may look like paint floating on...
How To Make Rattling Bucks Work

How To Make Rattling Bucks Work

Q:  I want to learn more about rattling in whitetail bucks. When is the best time of the year, the best time of the day, the best technique and do I need big or small antlers for rattling?  I’ve tried rattling many times but have never rattled in a buck.  I’ve even...
Trout Fishing Tips and Tricks

Trout Fishing Tips and Tricks

Trout fishing is a great Iowa tradition and the state’s Department of Natural Resources offers these tips to help you be a more successful trout angler. Iowa’s first fish hatchery was built in 1874 near Anamosa to raise trout. As interest in trout fishing grew and...
Tips For A Successful Deer Hunting In Michigan

Tips For A Successful Deer Hunting In Michigan

If you’re planning on deer hunting in Michigan this year, the state DNR offers these tips to think about as you get ready for the season. Talk to a biologist Your local biologist is a wealth of information. Wildlife biologists not only have a broad scientific...
5 Tips for Fall Walleye Fishing

5 Tips for Fall Walleye Fishing

Walleye fishing is a year-round sport and thanks to Georgia DNR’s walleye stocking program. There’s plenty of walleye out there and anglers must change their game plan in the cooler months of the year to be successful. Just like leaves, walleye habits change too with...
9 Tips For Tagging Game In Oregon

9 Tips For Tagging Game In Oregon

1. When tagging game in Oregon, log in to the MyODFW app before you lose cell reception. The MyODFW app works without cell reception, but you need to be logged in for your profile to come up and to be able to use the app out of cell range. Note that the original...
Michigan DNR Offers Tips For Successful Deer Season

Michigan DNR Offers Tips For Successful Deer Season

Hopefully you have been out planning, preparing and refining your strategy all year long for the upcoming season. If you have, give yourself a pat on the back because you’ve earned it. If you’re like the rest of us, we have a few things to think about to get ready for...