SCDNR closes shellfish harvest season for the summer beginning May 31 and will reopen in October. South Carolina’s 2019-2020 season for harvest of oysters, mussels, clams and all other bivalves from State Shellfish Grounds and Public Shellfish Grounds will close on...
Each calendar year, the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources designates a “Free Fishing Day” for the public to fish recreationally in public waters without a fishing license. Saturday, June 13, 2020, is designated as Free Fishing Day as a...
More golden rainbow trout have been stocked in the White River system below Bull Shoals Lake dam. About 500 of the rainbow trout that have a color variation making them appear a bright golden yellow were part of a shipment of 10,000 rainbow trout stocked Monday from...
Deer hunters will have more opportunities to harvest antlerless deer this fall, and waterfowlers will have more hunting days in the middle of the season. With antlerless deer harvest trending downward the past few years, biologists with the Oklahoma Department of...
Anglers may use a maximum of three fishing lines on Ohio’s portion of Lake Erie and the Ohio River starting on Jan. 1, 2020, following new regulations passed by the Ohio Wildlife Council. The council approved the use of three lines per person while fishing on Ohio’s...
One reason Nebraska claims to have the nation’s best turkey hunting is its variety of subspecies of the big bird. Bryce Gerlach, a forester for the National Wild Turkey Federation and Nebraska Game and Parks Commission who is an avid hunter, said the Cornhusker State...
Spring is here and so are the fish. Maine’s biologists offer 6 tips for success on the water this season. 1. Keep water temperature in mind. Cold temperatures mean the fish are still moving a bit slow, so your lure or bait should move slow as well. Take your...
Q&A with Minnesota DNR’s Ray Ruiz offers fishing tips for beginners and experienced anglers alike Anglers can find fantastic fishing opportunities all across Minnesota. Wherever you are, chances are there is a lake, river or stream nearby with fish that can be...
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has launched a new online guide with information about how to hunt wild turkeys. Hunters can learn about finding a place to hunt, scouting, calling, needed apparel and gear, regulations, license requirements,...
Booking a hog hunt on a Texas hunting ranch, like any other outdoor adventure, requires a bit of forethought and planning. Topics such as hunting rates, availability of group hunting trips and exotic hunts available should all be considered. But, there are some other...