Tips for Tying the Perfect Fishing Knots

Tips for Tying the Perfect Fishing Knots

A well-tied fishing knot can make the difference between a great day and heartbreak. For a new angler, landing a nice fish knowing the hook is secured by a strong knot is a satisfying feeling. On the other hand, losing that same fish with a subpar knot is...
Arizona Leftover Tags Available

Arizona Leftover Tags Available

Arizona hunters will have an opportunity to receive a hunt permit-tag for select 2020 deer, fall turkey and fall youth-only javelina hunts. There are 287 leftover hunt permit-tags available for general deer hunts, with most of those hunts being for antlered whitetail...
Oregon Illegal Fishing Guide Charged

Oregon Illegal Fishing Guide Charged

A second Oregon fishing guide was cited for illegally guiding clients in western Oregon. This follows a similar citation issued last month to a guide in Tillamook County. Carl Burge, 40, of Carlton, had several clients ready to fish the lower Willamette River when he...
South Dakota “Snapshot” Photo Contest

South Dakota “Snapshot” Photo Contest

South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) has officially launched their new photo contest, Snapshot South Dakota. This department-sponsored contest will focus on capturing the beauty of our outdoor resources in South Dakota. The photo contest is open to all individuals,...