New York Wildlife Photo Submissions

New York Wildlife Photo Submissions

The New York Department of Environmental Conservation’s Bureau of Wildlife seeks photographs from the public to use in various DEC materials. This includes reports, social media, posters and the New York DEC website. New York’s wildlife is as busy as ever...
The Slam of Slams

The Slam of Slams

This week on Sporting Classics TV… Hunting slams aren’t about collecting trophies – they are collections of adventures, forcing hunters to experience all that the sport has to offer and challenging oneself to achieve goals that were once beyond your imagination....
Tips for Safe, Successful Archery Hunts

Tips for Safe, Successful Archery Hunts

How to prevent injuries and prepare for a safe, successful archery hunt this season The general-season archery bull elk permits (which are unlimited) went on sale online on July 16. That archery hunt and the buck mule deer archery hunt begins Saturday, August 15 and...
Birds by the Clouds

Birds by the Clouds

This week on Sporting Classics TV… Among globe-trotting American bird hunters, Argentina is widely considered the best wingshooting destination on the planet. With doves, pigeons, ducks and perdiz, a partridge-like bird, it’s a magical mixed bag of game....