Ducks Unlimited To Launch $3 Billion Campaign

Ducks Unlimited To Launch $3 Billion Campaign

On the heels of the great Dust Bowl of the infamous “Dirty Thirties,” duck hunters from across North America came together in a remarkable effort to save their beloved waterfowl. The extended drought across the Great Plains and elsewhere highlighted the importance of...
Belle Baruch: The Troublesome Child

Belle Baruch: The Troublesome Child

Ever the tomboy, Belle Baruch hunted and fished, chased German spies, surprised her family with equestrian triumphs and scandalous affairs. When it was all done, she willed 17,500 acres for public education.

Heroic Efforts to Save Texas Quail May Soon Pay Off

Heroic Efforts to Save Texas Quail May Soon Pay Off

With ample rainfall, healthy cover, and an abundance of quail in the summer of 2010, hunters in the Rolling Plains region of West Texas anticipated another bumper crop of their beloved birds the following season. Instead, the birds vanished, leaving biologists...
Wing-Shooting Scotland In October

Wing-Shooting Scotland In October

Last October was a special month. I was in Scotland, and for two days I hunted red grouse in the moors near Inverness — one day of driven birds and one day of walk-up. It was the trip of a lifetime with friends and family. Excitement rode beside us as we...
Our Gobbler

Our Gobbler

I suppose that there are other things that make a hunter uneasy, but of one thing I am very sure: that is, to locate and to begin to stalk a deer or a turkey, only to find that another hunter is doing precisely the same thing at the same time. The feeling I had was...