Nearing the Nimbus

Nearing the Nimbus

She had made it all possible. She was the melody of his song. And ever she watched and waited for him, in a warm, yellow kitchen. It is dark below. Raindrops clamor helplessly at the small window by his shoulder, driven in itinerant streaks across the glass by the...
Guarding the House – Candid Cameron

Guarding the House – Candid Cameron

The backyard is being invaded by deer! Normally life at home is peaceful and I can lie on the couch and watch TV. I like hunting shows, especially any shows that put pheasants in the air or ducks on the ground. But lately I have to sit by the backdoor and play the...
I’m Not a Mule

I’m Not a Mule

I’m Not a Mule The other day I was doing something I really like to do — shopping. In fact I was in a store, and with Mike’s help, trying on backpacks so I can be ready for the summer ahead and some backpacking trips. Then I spotted her — a lady who was staring at me....
Arnold Palmer of Duck Hunting Properties

Arnold Palmer of Duck Hunting Properties

SPONSORED CONTENT As commodity prices go, few have been tracking mallard dividends as closely as Steve Farris. After a stellar career as a Grammy-nominated guitarist and one of the cofounders of the ’80s band “Mr. Mister,” Farris has turned his...
Palm Sunday Turkey

Palm Sunday Turkey

There are a couple of rather elementary ground rules that apply under such conditions and, strangely enough, a great many people find them difficult to follow. Anyone who has chased turkeys for any length of time, assuming he is a realist and does not suffer from a...
Law Allowing .410s Effective July 1

Law Allowing .410s Effective July 1

The Iowa Legislature recently passed a law allowing .410s as a legal method of take to hunt wild turkeys. This new law will be effective beginning July 1, 2022, and DNR will develop rules to implement the new law. “This is just a reminder to our hunters that our...
Bobwhite Quail – Comin’ Up With Bob

Bobwhite Quail – Comin’ Up With Bob

It was boots and chaps. Gents and hats. Shotguns and spats. It was dog-folks gentle and gay. It was dignified old live oaks, bearded grizzled and gray. It was a lazy old mule wagon, creak rattle and sway. “The Lord’s own symphony,” my Grandma Betts would say, “in the...
New Shotguns – Candid Cameron

New Shotguns – Candid Cameron

Now is the time for you hoomans to look into purchasing new shotguns! Since bird hunting seasons are closed or closing, the demand for shotguns and shotshells has decreased. I think many hoomans are now thinking of vacations on remote sandy beaches and taking a cruise...
Beneath A Snow Moon – First Light

Beneath A Snow Moon – First Light

Man ponders by coincidence. Nature knows better. The difference can sometimes be unfathomable.  Late December . . . The Maryland Shores. . . Snowfall. . . Mystic, mesmeric, beckoning. Almost eight decades along for this wayfaring, wildfowling warrior — and still, when...
Texas Solutions for Bobwhite Quail Population

Texas Solutions for Bobwhite Quail Population

About a quarter century ago I shared a quail field near Albany, Georgia, with an aging quail plantation owner who, like me, also enjoyed hunting big game across the American West and beyond. As we walked toward a brace of his pointers that froze simultaneously at the...