Once A Spike Always A Spike?

Once A Spike Always A Spike?

Q. Larry, last week you wrote “Genetics determines shape and size of antlers. Genetic antler potential can only be attained with good daily nutrition and achieving maturity. But realize too, a smaller antlered buck bred to the ‘right’ doe could produce offspring with...
Buck-To-Doe Ratio And Antler Size

Buck-To-Doe Ratio And Antler Size

Q:  Larry, my friends think I’m crazy, but I think the buck-to-doe ratio has an effect on antler development.  My hypothesis is that with fewer does, the competition to breed is fiercer and thus only those deer that are stronger and that have larger antlers will win...
Field Aging Whitetail Deer

Field Aging Whitetail Deer

Q: Larry, it’s important to me to shoot only mature animals, so I’d like to be able to judge the age of whitetail deer before I shoot.  I understand that the size of a buck’s antlers is not a good way to judge because after a certain age antler growth tends to...
What’s A Good Pronghorn Cartridge?

What’s A Good Pronghorn Cartridge?

Q:  Larry, I need a good pronghorn cartridge. I’m from the Midwest and have hunted big game only with slugs.  I was recently invited to hunt antelope with friends in Wyoming, so I’m looking for a good rifle and cartridge to use.  At home, I can hunt with only slugs...