Want The Ultimate NFL Experience? Take The Leap To Lambeau
There’s a joke that’s made the rounds for years in Green Bay that speaks to the nostalgia surrounding one of the NFL’s oldest teams: How many Packers fans does it take to change a lightbulb? I dunno, how many? Three—one to change the bulb and two to remember how good...
The Wonderful Fool
Harrison walked out of the room, smiling and easy on the razor-thinness that was the surface of himself, closing the door quietly on the still woman in the bed and the nurse with the calm professional air. Doctor Joe was there, an old friend with whom he’d killed a...
Christmas for Two
“Look out, Dad!” Through the network of brown November branches I could see into the little open where my father watched for the driven grouse. This was the shot he loved best in all bird shooting. He had taught me its strategy the I was twelve, taught me right here...
Snow Shoe Caribou
You can spend a joyous Christmas time in the woods. There is peace in the whisper of the pine, merriment in the whirling flakes and music in the north wind’s brawling monotone such as no tawdry human pageant can supply. And when evening falls and the sun has gone, and...
Christmas Holiday Shenanigans: Part 2
When modern deer hunting seasons were first established in Georgia during the late 1950s and early ’60s, it was against the law to hunt on Sunday in many (if not all) Georgia counties. Sometimes these laws were enforced and sometimes they were not, depending on the...
Sporting Classics TV Season 6 Episode 26 Trailer
This week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey features a dream fulfilled for the lucky winner of SCI’s Adventure of a Lifetime Sweepstakes with a hunt for big game in New Zealand and an impressive haul of prizes. Check out Sporting Classics...
The Antlers Were Extra
Records lists grew on entries from “meat hunters.” Effort and focus still lag Lady Luck!

How Sportsmen Defeated a Colorado Ballot to Ban Mountain Lion Hunting
A mountain lion peers through glass patio doors, staring intently at a young girl just a few feet away inside the house. Behind the big cat is the family’s dead house cat, freshly killed by the 120-pound mountain lion. Inside, the girl’s mother frantically yells...