Idaho Odyssey

Idaho Odyssey

One of the great wonders of young boys is never realizing how a chain of everyday events can so forcefully change and redirect your own life in years ahead, even into adulthood. For me, raised up in a 1940s small town in the foothills of northern California’s lovely...
Scotland’s Ultimate Sporting Quest

Scotland’s Ultimate Sporting Quest

The 1925 adventure novel John Macnab is the story of three high profile Scottish friends who are suffering from severe cases of the doldrums and are instructed by their physician to try something out of the ordinary, perhaps with an element of danger to snap them out...
Sporting Classics TV Season 6 Episode 13 Trailer

Sporting Classics TV Season 6 Episode 13 Trailer

The world’s most watched outdoor television series embarks on an unforgettable safari adventure in Tanzania as Chris Dorsey and Steve Hicks hunt myriad plainsgame on this week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey on Outdoor Channel. The two intrepid...
A Glance at The Grouse

A Glance at The Grouse

The fame of the game red bird overseas is too well known to require any comment here. Besides, in the matter of grouse, we have troubles not a few of our own. That the British bird is a grand fellow goes without saying, but the question if he be the head of his race...
25 Years of the Super Retriever Series

25 Years of the Super Retriever Series

Spring rains in southeastern Georgia can be either a blessing or a curse. If they’re cold, then handlers running Labs will need a lot of layers to knock down the chill. If they’re warm, then the heat combined with high water levels will bring out the water moccasins....
Flooded-Timber Mallards

Flooded-Timber Mallards

Daylight promised its coming in typical Delta fashion. Scudding clouds that produced off-and-on splatters of heavy, iced rain drops riding a north wind that hardly qualified as gusts. Still, that wind was more than ample to toy with denuded oaks, easily making eager...
Swarovski Anniversary Special Offer

Swarovski Anniversary Special Offer

SPONSORED CONTENT Swarovski Optik North America celebrates its 75th anniversary with special offers on some of its most popular products.   NL Pure 32 and 42 Binoculars As soon as you look through the NL Pure, the technical masterpiece that lies within reveals...