Pheasants in the Mist
The October sky darkens and melts into the horizon, hovering briefly between shades of cobalt blue and gray. Barren fields, pocked and ridged like a nuclear wasteland, stretch out on either side of the truck as we speed through the twilight, tires singing on the...
Hunters Lost
They knew what they were about. Hubris may have taken some. Others died innocent.

Sporting Classics TV Season 6 Episode 18 Trailer
This week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey features three hunters in pursuit of black bear as Dorsey invites Sporting Classics Magazine CEO Duncan Grant and COO Wayne Nanney to join him for an unforgettable adventure in Saskatchewan. Check...
The Rising of the Sun and the Running of the Deer
The dogs struck in the old ricefield bottom, grown up now in a great snarl of water-trees, the bell-trunked tupelo, sweet gum and soft maple, the ground beneath a foot deep with the soggy litter from the last hurricane surge, driftwood snags and ricks of dead spartina...
Skyfall: Parallax, Parsecs & Gravity
I’m 10 years old and lying on the grass in the backyard of my grandfather’s rambling South Carolina farmhouse some 65 years ago. I’m staring straight up. The sun has just set, and the late fall sky is an imagination-inspiring, vibrant palette: bright yellow-orange in...
Chris Dorsey and Kim Monson: Proposition 127
https://www.sportingclassicstv.com/medias/Kim_Monson_interview.wav Denver, Colorado– Chris Dorsey appeared as a guest on the popular Kim Monson Show podcast and radio program to discuss Colorado’s shortsighted Proposition 127, and the overall problems...
Abel Chapman: Forgotten Hunting Writer and Conservationist
Many of the literary figures from the Victorian and Edwardian eras who hunted extensively in Africa and wrote about their experiences are virtual household names among today’s armchair adventurers. Foremost among them is Theodore Roosevelt, although obviously the...
The Final Charge: Roosevelt’s Bull Moose
A loner by nature, the eastern bull moose is a completely different animal during the rut, when it wages savage fights for dominance with other males. In the fall of 1915, 57-year-old Theodore Roosevelt went big game hunting for the last time. It would prove to be one...