Mike Needs to Be Bringing in the Bucks

Mike Needs to Be Bringing in the Bucks

Getting the birds yourself could be far cheaper than having to buy ready-to-cook birds at the grocery store. The other day Mike stopped at the grocery store and went inside, leaving me alone in the truck — again. Why can’t I go inside? I promise not to graze on too...
Ice Fishing is Just Insane

Ice Fishing is Just Insane

The oddest thing I have discovered about hoomans is that when lakes freeze over in the winter and rivers are choked down with thick ice — they want to go fishing. Really? It’s cold, there’s ice everywhere and you had all summer to fish. Why go now? The other morning...
Hooman Special Days: Valentines Day

Hooman Special Days: Valentines Day

You hoomans have way too many special days to remember and track — like the one coming up with flowers and candy. When I see flowers, I remember to raise a rear leg and start watering, har har! As for chocolates and candy, those are off limits for dogs and by the...
My New Years List for 2023

My New Years List for 2023

You hoomans seems to be list makers — for everything. I know lists help you reach goals and stay organized, so here goes with my 2023 New Year resolutions list. First, get some huns, alias Hungarian partridges. Those birds are like small rockets with hyper-speed...
Taking the Icy Plunge

Taking the Icy Plunge

Sometimes I have to take the icy plunge to retrieve Mike’s Ducks. BRRRRR! While Weimaraners like me are well known for finding, flushing and fetching upland birds, like pheasants and grouse (which I do when Mike finally connects and shoots one of those birds), I...
Springing Into Action – Candid Cameron

Springing Into Action – Candid Cameron

The other day I was hunting pheasants along with other upland birds and Mike and his friend, Marlon, were dragging along behind. I, however, was springing into action, nabbing birds out of the air! Anyway, the place had that classic Here’s Your Sign! appeal. I spotted...
Overcoming In-Season Obstacles with Your Duck Dog

Overcoming In-Season Obstacles with Your Duck Dog

You’ve waited to hit your honey-hole spot for the perfect day. You know that you’re hitting the migration just right, and if you’ve played your cards correctly, you’ll be limited out by early morning. SPONSORED CONTENT: Eyes to the sky, your calls have a large flock...
A Woman in White

A Woman in White

By all the laws of nature, George Blackwell should have quietly died of hypothermia in that very spot. But nature doesn’t always apply her laws with an even hand… At about the midpoint of his 67th season, George Blackwell looked at the world around him and...
Dining with Dogs Across America

Dining with Dogs Across America

I am making a list of restaurants where dogs are welcome. I understand that in many countries in Europe (where my ancestors came from), when the folks go out for supper, the dog goes along, sits at the table and in some places can grab a bite. Wow, I mean, I have to...
The Holidays are Here

The Holidays are Here

The best holidays are just ahead for me. You hoomans have a holiday almost every month it seems. Most of them involve handing out candy, flowers — or hamburgers and hot dogs on the 4th of July, for example. My favorite holidays are just around the corner. First, there...