Back from the Brink

Back from the Brink

I now have my own tale of a brush with death. While the pages of Sporting Classics magazine are filled with tales of near-death battles between man and various beasts, I now have my own tale of a brush with death. No, I did not get charged by a Cape buffalo, trampled...
How Dogs Tell Time

How Dogs Tell Time

Yes, dogs can tell time. Unless you’ve been living under a rock or deep inside a cave, it’s a well-known fact that dogs can tell time. I know that every morning between 6 and 7am, it’s time to eat. My empty stomach gives me the clue. Then around 10 or 10:30am, I go...
The Great Takeover

The Great Takeover

Dogs are prone to move in — and take over. Ever since your hooman ancestors — the cave dwellers — pushed aside the huge mastodon skin and invited my ancestors — the huge wolf — into your caves, dogs like me have moved in and taken over. It’s debatable whether those...
Summer is on the Horizon

Summer is on the Horizon

Warm days, lots of wading rivers to fly fish and being outdoors are soon to come. While winter seems to be dragging on and on, and the temperature was a single-digit number outside my house — known as The Cameron House to many — the other morning, but I smell summer...
Overly Excited for Bird Hunts

Overly Excited for Bird Hunts

I get excited when I hunt, smell and see birds. Doves, for example, really excite me. There’s lots of shooting, often lots of birds flying and sometimes birds falling when Mike finally hits one on the wing. I get so excited I often start spinning around in...
Seeking and Watching Huns

Seeking and Watching Huns

I like huns. Like, a lot. And bacon. While the past fall hunting season has faded, and next fall is buried behind many pages of the calendar, I still like the opportunity to go out and find birds. My new strong interest is seeking huns, alias Hungarian partridges or...
Time for Spring Antler Hunts

Time for Spring Antler Hunts

It’s that time of year, ladies and gentlemen, when we hunt for the hidden gems! While the fall and winter hunting seasons have faded into memory and geese and ducks are starting to reverse their wandering course and now fly north, I have the strong urge to head...
The Butt of the Joke

The Butt of the Joke

Only when Mike pushed me did I stop. He was saving me from an embarrassing error. I like to hunt, and even enjoy going to deer and elk camps, though pesky hooman rules keep me from participating in most of the hunting action. I like chasing deer, elk, pronghorns (fill...
Weapons of Mass Destruction

Weapons of Mass Destruction

These ears, they can be deadly — deadly annoying! Well, here goes: Weimaraners like me are well known for having big — make that huge — floppy ears. When I shake my head and flop my ears, no one can sleep through the resulting noise and turmoil. Mike told someone my...
Fighting the Goose

Fighting the Goose

Mike informed me the other day that the end of goose season was near, so we were going goose hunting. I had to don my neoprene camouflaged vest and hop into the truck — make that inside the cab with the heater. I never ride in a box in the bed but that would be the...