Noisy Noises of Birdy Birds

Noisy Noises of Birdy Birds

Around my house these days and nights, it’s nonstop quacking and quacking as the duck season approaches. The loud noises are enough to drive any dog crazy. Around my house these days and nights, it’s nonstop quacking and quacking as the duck season approaches. When I...
The Cabin Life

The Cabin Life

No power, badgers and (potential) grizzlies, oh my! The other day Mike was speaking — he blabs a lot — and I was hearing blah, blah, blah until I suddenly heard the words “cabin,” “mountains” and “vacation.” The next instant I was...
But Not On Opening Day

But Not On Opening Day

“I promise you,” he said, “on my word of honor, I won’t die on the opening day of the bird season.” Now you know your first big cock pheasant is a sight to see. There maybe ain’t nothing as dramatic, whether it’s an elephant...
The Upland Season is Underway

The Upland Season is Underway

Mike needs to learn to hustle, because it’s upland bird season! As you know, I get excited about birds — and the upland season opening week means it’s time for me to go to work. I also know Mike thinks I just lie around all day on the couch and eat treats, but I...
Checking the Calendar

Checking the Calendar

The calendar wasn’t going fast enough from August to September — so I took the initiative to take it down myself! The other week, I was passing through Mike’s office when I noted his calendar was still on the August page. I know bird hunting seasons open in...
Clayton Flowers

Clayton Flowers

Never said nothin’ to nobody,’ folks said of Clayton Flowers. But he’d talk to me, about livin’ and even about dyin’. I’ll tell this the way Clayton Flowers told it once to me. Clayton was an old man himself then, the deeper side of...
Attacked in My Front Yard!

Attacked in My Front Yard!

Those diving birds are dangerous! The other day I was casually strolling across the front yard when it happened: a bird flew out a tree and dive bombed me. Yikes! Attacked in my own front yard. Well, I did not call the law, but I did run and jump back on the porch to...
Dove Season is Nigh!

Dove Season is Nigh!

Dove season is coming — and that right soon! Well, if you have been sleeping these hazy days of summer away, you may have missed the fact your calendar indicates dove season is coming — and will be here soon! I love hunting doves. There’s lots of shooting, birds...
Dog Overboard!

Dog Overboard!

Life is so full of perils when you are on — or out of — a boat. As I have noted before, this summer has been one of many trips down rivers in fishing drift boats. While river cruising is fun, it has dangers like rocks and limbs protruding from the shoreline. Also the...
Best of Breed

Best of Breed

If immortality is nothing more, or less, than the condition of being remembered, the dogs profiled here will always remain vibrantly and brilliantly alive. These canines are, by any reckoning, the Best of Breed. Not long ago, I had occasion to write to a man I’d never...