Leica’s New Rangefinder Goes Long and Short
Not only does the CRF Rangemaster 2700-B lead its class with an effective range of 2,700 yards, it also features 0.1-yard accuracy under 200 yards for bowhunters.
Not only does the CRF Rangemaster 2700-B lead its class with an effective range of 2,700 yards, it also features 0.1-yard accuracy under 200 yards for bowhunters.
Same great glass and ergonomic design, now with increased ranging capabilities and new features for bowhunters.
Sitting down to talk about his success, the business of hunting, and the responsibilities that hunters have.
The biggest buck he’d ever seen . . . and that’s not the best part.
Saxton Pope, the father of modern archery, takes his first whitetail with stick and string.
A musing over arrows, environmentalism, and preserving the hunter’s ethos.
How close have you gotten to a deer while bowhunting?
Dedicating a whole year to hunting with only stick and string.
Stop by Booth 2744 for special savings on magazine subscriptions, giveaways, and more!
Wrapping up another successful convention with the Dallas Safari Club.