The American Sportsman…Poised for a Rebound?

The American Sportsman…Poised for a Rebound?

Many have heard reports of the steady increase in hunting and fishing license sales in the past year, but what is really causing this shift? Hunting in History Hunting in America experienced its first major expansion in the years shortly after the end World War II. A...
Bear Necessities

Bear Necessities

One lesson learned by every student of bear necessities is that bears deserve respect.

Dispatch from FTW Ranch SAAM Course: Day 1

Dispatch from FTW Ranch SAAM Course: Day 1

Yesterday I’d never shot more than a sporting clay. Today I shot a metal target from 700 yards away in the heart of Texas hill country as a student of the FTW Ranch SAAM Course.  Yep, 700 yards away. And that’s only part of what I learned how to do in my first day as...