Springtime at Brays Island
SPONSORED CONTENT It is springtime at Brays Island. Turkey hunting is in full swing, the redfish are biting, cobia season is just around the corner, and the weather is perfect for a day on the sporting clays course, golf course, or equestrian trail. Owning property at...
The Great Missouri Lion Hunt
Never mind the cost and the public outcry, the wealthy businessman was determined to bring African dangerous game hunting to his home state.

Mollygrubs And The Birds And Bees
Similar to pretty much any teenage boy in the time around the onset of puberty, Mollygrubs Messer talked with his buddies about the birds and bees, bragged of planned sexual conquests, boasted around backcountry campfires of upcoming plans to date some “hot chick”...
The First Leopard
The famed tiger hunter goes after a cat of a different stripe. A simple bird hunt turned into an unforgettable encounter with dangerous game for Jim Corbett.

The Legacy of Roger Pinckney
Roger Pinckney, who wrote the immensely popular “Horizons” column for Sporting Classics, died on April 3 from complications after a fall at his home on Daufuskie Island, South Carolina. He was 77. Pinckney wrote his first story, entitled “Big Empty Encounter,” for the...
You will always be my children; I will always be your pa.

Big Empty Encounter
A long stretch of dark, empty woods stood between them and the truck, and the big bear kept edging nearer, so close now they could hear his nasally whine and the soft rumbling in his throat.

Elgin Gates: A Legendary Big Game Hunter
Mention the word “legendary” in connection with big game hunters and hunting literature, and thoughts of most serious readers likely turn in one of two distinct directions. Most will look back to the wealth of books produced by the pioneers who sampled and savored the...
Bullets and Blessings: An Easter to Remember
The fork-horn buck was big trouble, even after he was dead, and the wild stories about the little deer rattled around town like
a rock in a milk pail.