Thoughts on Fly Fishing – Subimago Blues
57 years ago, on January 14th, 1965, Bob Dylan recorded his hit single “Subterranean Homesick Blues” Here are some thoughts on fly fishing set to this classic tune. Down in the basement, Thinnin’ out the head cement, Thumbin’ through a...
Dispatch From the Caribbean 4
At the intertidal zone on the north shore of St. Croix, located on the west edge of Annaly Bay, rests a tidal pool. Access to this rock formation where saltwater deposits pool together, separate from the sea, is not easy, though rather simple: You either hike the 2.7...
Fishing Lake Texoma, Deadsticking Technique
DEADSTICKING – MORE ACTION THAN THE NAME IMPLIES The only thing the fishing technique known as “deadsticking” has to do with the word “dead” is the lack of activity by the fisherman before the hookset, especially when dealing with those hard fighting stripers...
Old Man and the Sea – Ted Schnack
Ted Schnack discusses his sculpture inspired by Hemingway’s Old Man and the Sea Literary Immortality. Countless writers and artists have graced the centuries, yet few and rare are those who create works so powerful they are considered true classic. True...
Rendezvous with a King
The ocean was like a piece of glass as we glided past the familiar black-and-white-spiraled St. Augustine lighthouse a mile or so off to our starboard side. Heading out into the great unknown on a muggy June morning, I couldn’t help but think of my grandmother’s...
The Ultimate Boneyard: Bahamas Bonefish
Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey visits The Bahamas’ Andros Island for bonefish this week in “The Ultimate Boneyard.” Dorsey Pictures announces that this week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey – the most watched outdoor TV program in the world –...
Funny Fish
These fish will test your patience, your tackle and your sanity. Funny Fish, such as skipjack tuna or Spanish macks, are reliably unreliable. These late summer fish are funny as in crazy. The start of summer football two-a-days usually coincides with the arrival of...
A Dorsey-style Family Vacation in the Amazon
This weekend on Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey, Dorsey and family wrestle with river monsters from the southern hemisphere. Officials from Dorsey Pictures announce that this Saturday’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey – the most watched outdoor TV...
Fishing the Island of the Dead
Fishing a reef known for its monstrous fish…and its reputation for driving men to madness.