Sparkplug Marlin
About that time it dawned on me that we had probably made a bad decision! Many years I owned and operated several huntingpreserves.in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Now that I’m retired, my wife Rita and I spend our Winters in Rincon de Guayabito, a small resort...
The Elusive Southern Appalachian Brook Trout
AKA: Brookies, Squaretails, Specs, Natives, etc. The following is an excerpt from Fly Fishing the Blue Ridge Parkway By Sam R. Johnson. For the first time, fly fishing savant Sam Johnson has captured in one guide an incredible “bucket list” of over 210 of the most...
No Such Thing as a Bad Day Fishing
The bumper sticker read: A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work. I was sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic wondering how I had allowed myself to get in such a frustrating situation. Like all of the other miserable souls around me, I was growing more...
Dorsal Fins On the Cape
Was that a great white that swam by in the Cape Cod darkness?

Classic Alaska Charters
Typical June Family Trip with Classic Alaska Charters… Booking now for 2024! SPONSORED CONTENT: Classic Alaska Charters has long been the sportsman’s best choice for affordable overnight Alaska fishing charters in Southeast Alaska’s Ketchikan and Misty Fiords...
Lowcountry Tales
A tangled tale from the Carolina Lowcountry where writing runs deep in the blood. Half-moon of July, a low tide at noon, glaring blight sun and nary a breeze to ruffle the waters of Port Royal Sound. Piney islands shimmer in distant heat waves, surf grumbles far...
Tyee and the Salmon of 30+ Pounds
Tyee is the Indian name for a salmon of 30 pounds or more. No one has come very close to the mark. It seemed to make sense. From the time of the early Indians, Barkley Sounders have called a 15-pound or better chinook salmon a “smiley.” Maybe the smiles...
Slamming Cuba
A belief in Avalon helped the author overcome years of fear and heartache.

Under the Volcano
Fly fishing for sailfish and tarpon in Costa Rica . . . until the earthquake comes and the tsunami hits.