Jack O’Connor’s .416 Rigby Mag. Up For Sale
O’Connor used it to take elephant, lion, and buffalo on the Dark Continent.
O’Connor used it to take elephant, lion, and buffalo on the Dark Continent.
A classic add-on to any wood (or synthetic) stock.
Double Guns of Nashville kicks off Grand Opening with an open house holiday party with special guest Dieter Krieghoff.
The famed gun company’s parent corporation is changing its name . . . if stockholders give their approval next month.
There’s no “one-stop shop” when it comes to finding and procuring collectible firearms. To get the best guns, you’ve got to go where they are.
Learn the five factors of gun collecting.
Curious about what it takes to be a gun collector? It starts with just one . . .
“Had they come to see the man practice his craft? Or were they more drawn by the specter of a man willingly and deliberately putting himself in harm’s way?”
The rifle, Serial No. 1, was presented to Capt. H.W. Lawton for his capture of the Apache leader Geronimo in 1886.
The new edition will be available April 1 in print, as a digital subscription, and on CD-ROM.