My Mid-life Crisis Gun

My Mid-life Crisis Gun

The gun salesman had that look on his face of a trout fisherman that just set the hook in a nice brown. He knew he had me. In the fall of 2009 while on vacation I mentioned to the wife that when we got back home, I was going looking for a Marlin 1895 Guide Gun– a...
Aimpoint Sight Makes Aiming Easier

Aimpoint Sight Makes Aiming Easier

SPONSORED CONTENT Who would have thought I’d be ahead of the times, but I’ve been essentially enjoying the benefits of a red dot sight on hunting rifles since before they were largely promoted in the U.S. for use on hunting rifles. Back in the 1980s, the late Col....
Reconsidering Recoil: It Doesn’t Have to Hurt

Reconsidering Recoil: It Doesn’t Have to Hurt

Recoil. It doesn’t have to be painful. But will a rifle with less recoil compromise your ability to terminate what you shoot? You’ll get a kick out of this. Lord knows the Kid did. His name has been changed to minimize his embarrassment. We told him the bleeding would...
27 Nosler Passes the Test in the Texas Desert

27 Nosler Passes the Test in the Texas Desert

As development of the 27 Nosler neared completion, it was time to put the cartridge to its final test to see if it was worthy of the Nosler stamp. SPONSORED CONTENT The crucible chosen for the test: Texas and its whitetail and feral hogs. To properly put the 27 Nosler...
How Safe is Hunting?

How Safe is Hunting?

If you have been around firearms long enough, the chances are good that you have witnessed, committed or even been the unlucky recipient of unsafe hunting practices or careless firearm handling. The cottontail rabbit zig-zagged toward me across the freshly powdered...
Safe Gun Travel with Ease

Safe Gun Travel with Ease

Keep your shotguns and rifles safe from theft with the easy-to-carry luxury vault that fits in virtually any truck or SUV trunk SPONSORED CONTENT Fatigued from a long day of hunting adventures, you and your entourage of sporting buddies look forward to unwinding with...
Called Back Again by the Siren Song of Handgun Hunting

Called Back Again by the Siren Song of Handgun Hunting

I sincerely encourage everyone with even the slightest interest to consider hunting with a handgun– the excitement of the stalk is magnified by a factor of ten. Life, or at least making a living, has a way of pushing us down sidetracks. After a time, we often find...
50 Years Later: Shooting Springfield’s M1A Rifle

50 Years Later: Shooting Springfield’s M1A Rifle

With rising anticipation, I have just received the long box from Springfield Arms. A new M1A Standard Issue rifle. I am as excited as a kid at Christmas. As I ride back to the office to open this prize, the memories of 52 years passed are coming to the surface. The...