An Artist Apart

An Artist Apart

The type of paintings I most enjoy are the ones where I look and think, ‘How did he get away with that and still make it work’? [Years ago,] on a Saturday morning in August, my husband Charlie woke me up to show me an ad in Sporting Classics. Dan Metz was...
The Choice of the Artist

The Choice of the Artist

Nine wildlife artists talk about their favorite media — including tools of the trade — that have helped them earn nationwide acclaim. Watercolor by Morten E. Solberg Of all the painting media, watercolor has been around the longest. The first crude paintings on cave...
Marc Hanson Savors the Path

Marc Hanson Savors the Path

In Marc Hanson’s personal hierarchy it will always be fine painting, not subject matter, that takes precedence. There’s a painting in Marc Hanson’s studio that fans of his art will probably never see. It’s a simple piece, really — a winter...
Ice Hole Angels

Ice Hole Angels

Collecting fish decoys has never approached the popularity of some other folk art…but it’s started showing up at shows. The big pike was hungry. The very cold temperature had slowed his metabolism, but it had been many days since his last meal. Slowly he...
SC Giclée Print Program

SC Giclée Print Program

Sporting Classics has teamed up with ten of America’s most renowned wildlife artists to offer these magnificent, limited-edition giclée prints. The giclée (pronounced gee-clay) process incorporates breakthrough technology to create a one-of-a-kind art print from a...
Pleissner A Championship Performance

Pleissner A Championship Performance

“Sporting art” is exactly that: art with a sporting theme. “Most sporting art isn’t good art….” This statement, strangely enough, was made by Ogden Pleissner, a man widely known for his “sporting art,” beautiful renderings of...
The Fine Art of Fundraising

The Fine Art of Fundraising

“My goal is to keep drawing in as much money as possible for conservation…It’s good for wildlife, and a good challenge to try and set new records.” On a snowy Saturday morning deep in the winter of 1969, my father asked me a favor. Would I help...
Calls of the Wild

Calls of the Wild

The artistic images that come from these artists’ experiences become a visual bond between all of us who love nature. An artist in his or her lifetime may create hundreds of images, pouring hours of creativity and years of experience into each piece of work. Yet...
Masters of the Uplands

Masters of the Uplands

In the end, the best sporting artists are skilled translators of ideas. Years ago, my husband Charlie and I were rummaging through a barn full of “antiques” in southern Ontario when he pulled a framed upland shooting print out of a corner. “How...


In April of 2016 (autumn in the southern hemisphere), author Michael Altizer was invited to Patagonia to fly fish some of the most famous trout waters in the world—the rivers Collón Curá, Chimehuin, and Rio Malleo. In the opening section of his book “RAMBLINGS—Tales...