The world’s most watched outdoor television series embarks on an unforgettable safari adventure in Tanzania as Chris Dorsey and Steve Hicks hunt myriad plainsgame on this week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey on Outdoor Channel. The two intrepid...
Ain’t nothing to writing Papa Hemingway said, you just sit at the typewriter and bleed. I sat at the keyboard and cried for Zebo, damn near about shorted it out with my salty tears. It’s a twisted tale, as good tales are. Me and Miss Biscuits built a house on...
One of the first duck hunters I met when I moved to the coast of Georgia in 1968 was a game warden named Dick McIntyre. He lived just a hop and a jump across the Savannah River in Beaufort, South Carolina. And no, I didn’t meet him because I was guilty of some game...
In my half-century of collecting antique duck and shorebird decoys, I have been asked countless times: “Are they a good investment”? My answer is always the same. “It depends.” And then I go on to explain. Just for the purpose of answering this question, I will...
This article originally appeared in the 2018 Summer issue of Sporting Classics Magazine. Click here to learn more about Wings of Wonder, a beautiful 327-page book detailing the remarkable story of the Cobb Family. Featuring more than 200 decoys and hundreds of...
Tickets will go on sale October 9th for SEWE 2022, which will be held February 17-20 After canceling its event in 2021, Southeastern Wildlife Exposition (SEWE), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, will return next year to celebrate 40 years in 2022, February 17...
A South Carolina man transforms ancient cypress, some over 55,100 years old and stood during the Glacial Period, into top-tier turkey calls. Researchers at the University of Georgia dated the cypress log at 55,100 years old, but admitted it may, in fact, be much, much...
Born in a small shop behind William Mason’s home, Gertrude the decoy would live a life most fulfilling. Here are a few of the many stories she has to tell. Hello, my name is Gertrude. I was named after Bob’s Aunt Gertrude Reade, a woman with a special gleam in...
On February 19th and 20th, Copley Fine Art Auctions, the nation’s premier decoy and sporting art auction house, will host their Winter Sale 2021. To accommodate numerous estates, the company’s auction has expanded to a virtual two-day format. The auction will begin at...
Wings of Wonder is a great new book by Sporting Classics Senior Editor Dr. Lloyd Newberry For four decades Dr. Newberry has been writing hunting and fishing stories chronicling his many adventures in 67 countries and provinces. Three of his prior books include Pages...