Sporting Heritage Timeline

Sporting Heritage Timeline

A timeline is a great mirror in which we can rediscover how truly marvelous our journey has been. Time is the protoplasm of destiny, the stay of our years as indefinite as the flesh of our bones, and within its meager allotment each man strives for immortality....
The Art of Frogging

The Art of Frogging

Frogs don’t carry swords or pistols, but they look as though they wish they could. Frogs are physically incapable of smiling, but they can look insufferably smug, as if they know something the rest of us don’t. Maybe they do. What I know is that frogs are biologically...
Eating A Mountain

Eating A Mountain

I take off one afternoon to run up a mountain above my home to look for the false morels that sometimes grow in the burned forests there. It’s one of the mountains that feeds my family, one of the mountains on which we are fortunate enough some years to take a deer or...
John Madison Culler: Tinkhamtown Bound

John Madison Culler: Tinkhamtown Bound

The old man holds my hand in a frosty grip. But his weak, raspy voice and eyes warmly thank me for being his friend for almost 50 years. Staring past his fish tank and sagging shelves of sporting books through a window and into the far distance, he silently raises his...
Sporting Classics TV Season 6 Episode 23 Trailer

Sporting Classics TV Season 6 Episode 23 Trailer

When bobwhite quail populations in West Texas plummeted in 2010, concerned hunters took notice and banded together to fund research to find a solution to the mystery.  Now the efforts from the Rolling Plains Quail Research Foundation are bearing fruit for wildlife in...