Lynn Bogue Hunt: Angler, Hunter, Artist
Angler, hunter, and above all artist, Lynn Bogue Hunt was the most popular and prolific outdoor illustrator in mid-20th century America.
Angler, hunter, and above all artist, Lynn Bogue Hunt was the most popular and prolific outdoor illustrator in mid-20th century America.
Just when you think a hunt couldn’t possibly get more dangerous and exciting, something really wild comes along.
But then, why should she not die for them? Would I not die for my children?
“Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations.” -Henry David Thoreau – “Walden”
Excerpt from “The Spirits of Cerro Venado Macho” “Nineteen Years to Sunrise”
By Caroline Gordon From The Greatest Quail Hunting Book Ever
By Chuck Wechsler From Sporting Classics’ Africa.
The title chapter of Nineteen Years to Sunrise By Michael Altizer
By Harry Wolhuter from Sporting Classics’ Africa.
From Horned Moons and Savage Santas