The Art Of Mort Künstler

The Art Of Mort Künstler

In this post-modernist era when so much fine art is obscure, experimental and non-representational, Künstler arguably represents a touchstone You’ve just humped up a steep knoll trailing a wounded elk, or maybe you have designs on glassing mountain goats. Fatigued,...
Own an Original John Seerey-Lester Painting

Own an Original John Seerey-Lester Painting

Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring world of wildlife through the extraordinary art of Sir John Seerey-Lester. Knighted in 2015 for his remarkable contributions to the preservation and portrayal of nature, Sir John is renowned for his unparalleled ability to capture...
Al Agnew – A Love Indefatigable

Al Agnew – A Love Indefatigable

“Many people have the basic ability to draw what they see. All children love to draw. It’s just that most lose interest in it for whatever reason. But I never did. I fell in love with art and the outdoors when I started fishing the stream by my house as a...
Dennis Anderson – Art With Attitude

Dennis Anderson – Art With Attitude

“Dennis identifies with big, powerful animals; the bold and the dangerous,” Smith says. “But he shows you some nuance of them that you’ve never seen. It’s like he knows we have some preconceived notion of what a certain animal is, so he...
Bob Kuhn, Wildlife Artist Extraordinaire

Bob Kuhn, Wildlife Artist Extraordinaire

A look at the collections and life of wildlife artist Bob Kuhn. It was Christmas 1969 when I first saw the 1970 Remington Arms calendar featuring “Great Game of the World.” My father and I shared a love of the outdoors and we spent many days hunting and fishing...
Luther K. Hall

Luther K. Hall

How could watercolor not be the perfect medium for angling art? Gazing upon the work of outdoor artist Luther K. Hall, one may feel there is something special about the way he mixes water with his paint. It is the water of the river. “When I decide to do an angling...
Eldridge Hardie: Painter of Dogs

Eldridge Hardie: Painter of Dogs

The greatest equine artist of all time, and arguably the greatest animal portraitist, was the 18th century Englishman George Stubbs. The toast of the town in his day, when the cream of British aristocracy beat a path to his door to have him paint...