Yikes, the other day there were snowflakes flying about. That can only mean the end of summer is at hand.
It passed so quickly and this summer was one of many trips down rivers in the drift boat. I believe Mike needs to paint the words USS Cameron — or Battleship Cameron — on the side of the boat because I am the captain in the boat and always on the lookout for dangers — and things I can bark at. I like traveling in a boat. Gives me an opportunity to look down on other dogs and mere hoomans that spend all their time ashore.
Riding down a river in a boat means not having to walk along the banks in mud and push through bushes with thorns. In fact, there’s little walking, it’s just sit back and watch as Mike rows. I must admit he’s getting better than he was doing at the first of this summer. Early on we banked into brush a few times — make that many times. Ugh! And while his boat rowing skills have improved, Mike’s fish catching skills are still deficient, har har! Maybe I need to become a fishing guide. My expertise is finding and pointing trout that are 20 inches or longer. Even after I point, Mike rarely ever catches anything. What a complete waste of my time.
I’m trying to convince Mike the boat can also be used for duck and goose hunting. This would again mean less work for me, and more work for Mike. I need to find more situations that work like this, har har! —Cameron