In partnership with the coalition of organizations, businesses and fish and wildlife agencies that make up the Alliance for America’s Wildlife, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is working to advance legislation that would direct $1.3 billion in much needed funding to state fish and wildlife agencies for on-the-ground efforts to conserve habitat for species of greatest conservation need.

The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (H.R. 4647, S. 3223) is the bipartisan product of decades of conversations and hard work by dedicated sportsmen, conservationists and business leaders who have long shared an interest in securing the funding needed for state fish and wildlife agencies to reverse population declines for at risk species.

The video below from Texas Parks & Wildlife highlights why RAWA is needed and how wildlife would benefit if this bill passed.  In addition, linked here and below is a document that provides a snapshot of what funding from RAWA would mean for just a few states.  A full list of RAWA funding amounts for states can be found here.

In the past, state fish and wildlife agencies restored habitat for multiple game species, including the Tule elk in California, the harlequin duck in Montana, the Northern pintail in Kansas, and many others. These are just a few examples of species that utilized state-led conservation efforts to restore populations and save them for being listed as endangered.

Perhaps the best part about RAWA is that it would not cost taxpayers a dime. Instead, the bill would direct proceeds from federal oil and gas royalties toward fish and wildlife habitat conservation. RAWA is supported by a  range of groups including the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, National Audubon Society, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, Shell Oil and Bass Pro Shops.

Join us in showing your support by sending a letter to your Congressman here.