

Aviator, treasure hunter, sportsman, and fearless rescuer, Hall Watters was as unmatched as he was widely unrecognized.

Portraits From the Deep – Guy Harvey

Portraits From the Deep – Guy Harvey

When I first set out to photograph these splendid creatures in their natural element, I realized the need to develop my own special methods. My heart was racing, my eyes wide in anticipation as the cloud of bubbles cleared… and there it was, silhouetted against...
Young Man and the Sea

Young Man and the Sea

Exhausted and dehydrated, Stanczyk felt as if he had been watching it all in a dream. Richard Stanczyk grew up on the water. His childhood home in Miami was located adjacent to a canal that led to the ocean. The salty brine got into his veins early in his life, became...
Zane Grey – High Seas Prophet

Zane Grey – High Seas Prophet

So what can we say of Zane Grey, this dentist turned novelist turned outdoor writer? He was a dentist and photography and a storyteller. He was one hell of a baseball player. He was husband and father and perpetual wanderer and a hunter and fisherman who once held...
Poetic Soul On Painted Sea

Poetic Soul On Painted Sea

John Doyle sees the ocean as one of the last frontiers where man can test his courage. John Doyle once showed me a photo from his boyhood in the mid-’40s. The picture was of him, standing next to a string of five largemouth bass that his father had caught on a...
Haunting On the Big Two-Hearted

Haunting On the Big Two-Hearted

I am a confirmed cynic when it comes to supernatural and paranormal malarkey. However… It began innocently enough, as such things often do I suppose. Tom Davis, a contributing editor to this magazine, called me about taking over an article he was unable to do, a...
Birthday on the Manitou

Birthday on the Manitou

As I watched, my resentment began to leave and I knew that, whatever the reason for his coming in, it must have been very important. While casting the long riffle below the pool, I became aware that I was not alone, that someone was there on the river with me. It...
The Coyote – Nature’s Versatile Vagabond

The Coyote – Nature’s Versatile Vagabond

Richie Nash had never seen a coyote on his family’s farm south of Monroe, North Carolina . . . but all that changed on a cool December morning as Nash sat in his comfortable box stand overlooking a freshly cut cornfield. Half an hour after sunrise, Nash noticed...
Tangles With El Tigre

Tangles With El Tigre

Each day’s end brought fear and a sense of unease to the small ranching community of Center City, Texas in the fall of 1903. Whispered throughout, the terrible term “El Tigre.” Warner Glenn knelt on the shallow tracks of the desert floor, carefully...
The Art Of Mort Künstler

The Art Of Mort Künstler

In this post-modernist era when so much fine art is obscure, experimental and non-representational, Künstler arguably represents a touchstone You’ve just humped up a steep knoll trailing a wounded elk, or maybe you have designs on glassing mountain goats. Fatigued,...