The Rise of Hipster Hunters

The Rise of Hipster Hunters

A new brand of sportsmen has begun taking to the field. Hunting embodies many ideas — tradition, camaraderie, stewardship, self-reliance — but it has never placed much emphasis on staying abreast with movements or trends beyond the scope of the outdoors. And this, in...
The Villain of East Africa – John Patterson

The Villain of East Africa – John Patterson

Whatever the goal, the safari became a recipe for disaster. The great elephant rounded a clump of acacia and swung toward the two hunters. Drying blood made dark stains down its wrinkled shoulder and neck, but despite its wounds, the big animal moved deceptively fast...
The Man Who Knew Ruark Best

The Man Who Knew Ruark Best

“…the most incredibly wonderful, generous, humorous and likable son of a bitch who ever lived.” To many discerning readers, Robert Ruark ranks as the finest outdoor writer ever to grace the American literary scene. His enduring fame is linked to...
Why I Taught My Boys to be Hunters

Why I Taught My Boys to be Hunters

It has always seemed to me that any man is a better man for being a hunter. I have said that my hunting has often been solitary; but that was chiefly in the early days. During the last 25 years, I have rarely taken to the woods and fields in the shooting season...
Young Man and the Sea

Young Man and the Sea

Exhausted and dehydrated, Stanczyk felt as if he had been watching it all in a dream. Richard Stanczyk grew up on the water. His childhood home in Miami was located adjacent to a canal that led to the ocean. The salty brine got into his veins early in his life, became...
The Hunting Connection

The Hunting Connection

The very nature of hunting requires that you know as much as possible about the game you pursue. And that’s why, the author maintains, artists who hunt are able to capture the essence of their wild subjects. For the past few decades, wildlife art has enjoyed an...
Haunting On the Big Two-Hearted

Haunting On the Big Two-Hearted

I am a confirmed cynic when it comes to supernatural and paranormal malarkey. However… It began innocently enough, as such things often do I suppose. Tom Davis, a contributing editor to this magazine, called me about taking over an article he was unable to do, a...
Birthday on the Manitou

Birthday on the Manitou

As I watched, my resentment began to leave and I knew that, whatever the reason for his coming in, it must have been very important. While casting the long riffle below the pool, I became aware that I was not alone, that someone was there on the river with me. It...
Passages – 1996 Issue of Sporting Classics

Passages – 1996 Issue of Sporting Classics

Memorable Quotes Over the Years A collection printed in the 1996 issue of Sporting Classics The streams that hold trout are filled with spirits. They are filled with magic that will stay as long as someone comes to feel it. When we come upon old gear that has been...