Fishing From a Kayak?

Fishing From a Kayak?

Fishing from one of Hobie’s kayaks can be a fun and effective way to locate and stalk tailing reds, even in the shallowest waters. Being a South Carolina native, I’ve never resided far from saltwater. That’s provided beaucoup opportunities to fish...


In his struggles to get free, the silver king performed a series of magnificent, never-before-seen tactics. To capture the fish is not all of the fishing. Yet there are circumstances which make this philosophy hard to accept. I have in mind an incident of angling...
Celebrity Fishermen and Women

Celebrity Fishermen and Women

The chances of running into Jimmy Buffett at the dock or President George W. Bush at the fly shop are pretty slim, but there are a lot of celebs who enjoy wetting a line like the rest of us. Here are a few notables who could be working the same waters as you one of...
The Great Western Loop Tour

The Great Western Loop Tour

Dispatch 16, June 21, 2019 The night in Glendive, and the cold medicine have me feeling much better this morning. We eat breakfast in the hotel, load everything in the car, and jump in… only to drive across the road. Sitting on a corner within rock-throwing...
Wahoo, Indeed

Wahoo, Indeed

The famed angler hooks into a species he later said made him “seem like an amateur.”