Skills of Successful Wingshooting Guides

Skills of Successful Wingshooting Guides

Being a hunting guide might seem like a dream job, one we would all like to have, but there is a tremendous gap between the dream and the reality. There is a famous anecdote, possibly apocryphal, about Fred Astaire’s first screen test for RKO Pictures. Apparently, the...
Russell Chatham’s Roasted Duck

Russell Chatham’s Roasted Duck

The hill’s contour was pink with slanting light, so much like a Russell Chatham painting. I looked down at the large gray breast of the mallard and thought about the meal to come. I rounded a bend of a winding, western Montana creek, and the heads of two mallard...
Snow Days

Snow Days

I was thinking about the coming season a few days ago and, as usual, it occurred to me that I might have a chance or two to hunt in snow. It’s still hot in Georgia, but snow is coming. Dear Lord, do I love to hunt in snow! I guess it’s a little surprising to hear a...
Cockers in Cover

Cockers in Cover

The cocker: a breed that deploys quickly and steers precisely. I damn near didn’t stop. I was driving a road that I rarely traveled, en route to another piece of cover. It was a crisp, clear day toward the end of October, the kind of day you see in your mind’s eye...
Getting to Know Your Friendly Neighborhood Oyster

Getting to Know Your Friendly Neighborhood Oyster

October is oyster season in the southeast, and there are a few things the United Oyster Ranchers and Rodeo Association of America doesn’t want you to know about the common oyster. “Secret, a­­­nd self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.” – Charles Dickens “He was a...
Ruffed Grouse Covert

Ruffed Grouse Covert

Once upon a time Bob Sohrweide had a ruffed grouse cover. He’d had other covers before and since but this one was his best. Bob found it in his eighth grade Latin class. Let me tell you… As Bob walked into his classroom, he overheard Robbie Trotta finishing a story to...
Final Flights

Final Flights

The rivers were overflowing, the feeder streams were gushing and the lowland roads were washed out so I couldn’t get to my woodcock coverts. But I had an idea. The rain poured down for three straight days. It wasn’t a mist or a pitter patter on the tin roof. It was...
A Sporting Dog’s Unique Nutritional Needs

A Sporting Dog’s Unique Nutritional Needs

Sporting dogs work differently, and that’s why it’s important to have nutrition that powers their specific needs and keeps them properly fueled. SPONSORED CONTENT The fascinating part of sporting dogs is that they’re all so different. Never mind the fact that you can...
Hunting in the Shadows of Edmund Davis

Hunting in the Shadows of Edmund Davis

At times I may think I am unique in my hunting approach, yet the reality is I am not. Like many, I follow in the shadows of Edmund Davis. The phone rang listing a number I did not recognize. I answered. “Tom Keer.” “I had the chair.” “Terrific,” I said. “It’s...