I get excited when I hunt, smell and see birds.
Doves, for example, really excite me. There’s lots of shooting, often lots of birds flying and sometimes birds falling when Mike finally hits one on the wing. I get so excited I often start spinning around in uncontrollable circles. I also whine when songbirds fly by overhead. Doves are small and taste great from the grill, but, man, I hate to wait!
One day when we were hunting doves (during the open season), I was wound up tight and got extremely excited when a dove fell from the sky. When I dashed out and grabbed it, I may have eaten it before I returned to Mike’s side. I am not confessing here, and he was puzzled about that missing dove. I plead the fifth, however, kinda like most politicians when you ask them anything. OK, the dove went missing and I had feathers on my lips, so we can move on to the next case. I also my — or may not — have gotten so excited during one hunt that I fetched back a dove decoy. Hey, it looked like a dove, har har!
Then there was the sage grouse that came back minus most feathers. I was only thinking ahead and getting it ready for the grill, har har! Yes, I dropped it, put my big paw on it and started plucking out the many feathers because I was excited. In my haste, however, I was not fast enough to gulp that bird down before Mike arrived and took it away. Besides, sage grouse are like small chickens and I would have been busted had I started eating it. Ugh.
Well, the news is I get excited during the first days of bird hunting seasons and am so thrilled to get one that I may — or may not — start plucking and eating one of the first birds downed. In the end, I have done my part and found the bird. I could not find any law that says I have to share, so pass the salt and pepper, har har! Hunt em up! —Cameron