The New York Department of Environmental Conservation’s Bureau of Wildlife seeks photographs from the public to use in various DEC materials.

This includes reports, social media, posters and the New York DEC website. New York’s wildlife is as busy as ever with their seasonal activities. You are invited to capture and share these moments in the lives of your wild neighbors – whether feathered, smooth, furry or scaly. If you sit outside quietly for an hour, you might be surprised by what kinds of critters visit your backyard! Remember to respect wildlife and view them from a distance using binoculars or a spotting scope to observe their natural behavior. Visit DEC’s website for more wildlife watching tips.


  1.  Animals featured in photos must be live, native to New York State and in their natural habitat.
  2.  Photo(s) must have been taken in New York State by the person completing this form.
  3.  A maximum of two photos per submission is allowed. You may complete as many submissions as you wish.
  4. Maximum file size is 10 MB per photo. Files must be one the following formats: .png, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp.
  5. The latest you can submit is Saturday, September 12 at 11:59 a.m.
  6. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation retains all rights to accepted submissions. DEC reserves the right to reproduce or reprint, with proper credit, photos in other publications, on television, web sites and other media.

Learn more about the photo submission guidelines and upload your wildlife photos and stories.

game birds book coverThis comprehensive, large-format book covers all 34 species of game birds in the U.S. and Canada, from those on the brink of extinction like the masked bobwhite to the most common and widespread ring-necked pheasant and wild turkey. You’ll marvel at all 384 images by award-winning photographer Gary Kramer.

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