I’m not a fan of companies claiming their product is the best in the world.  How can a person really know that?  How can the company making the product really know that?

When I saw the first Poncho advertisement online, claiming the shirt was “The Best Fishing Shirt Ever Made,” I took a good look and then moved on.  The ad looked great, the shirt looked great, but it was the end of winter and I wasn’t really thinking much about fishing shirts.  I own plenty.

To me, all fishing shirts were basically the same. They’re some blend of nylon, have a vent across the back and fit like wearing a tent. They’re all just average, even the expensive ones.  The Best Ever Made claim did catch my eye though.

A short time later I was going through my gear list of items to take on two safari hunts and when I wrote “shirts” on my list, I thought of the Poncho ad.  The shirt I’d seen in the ad was a tan color and I was looking for something that resembled a classic safari shirt, so I fired up the laptop and got one coming my way.

To save you some time, if you’re still reading this, the Poncho was the perfect safari shirt.  It breathed very well, had a little stretch to it, didn’t fit like I was wearing a trash bag and all the stitching was clearly very high quality.  It was by far the best shirt I packed.

After both safaris I had a marlin tournament in the Keys to get to.  By the time I headed south, I’d picked up a few different colors of the Ponchos and they were the only shirts I packed.  Over a three-day period, everyone on the boat asked about the Poncho shirt at least once because you can look at them and tell they’re better than what you have on.

Word of mouth is a powerful thing, so a lot of my hunting and fishing buddies are now wearing the Poncho shirts, but I’ll leave you with this:

*Poncho flannel shirt

When a friend recently took me on an elk hunt in Utah this year, he shot a nice bull elk.  He asked if I wanted some of the meat and, me being me, I told him I wanted all of it.  He laughed and said that was fine, so I arranged to have all the meat shipped to me when the processor was finished.  As a “thank you” for letting me take the meat, I wanted to get him a nice gift.  It didn’t take long to come up with an idea.  I went online and bought Don the best fishing AND hunting shirt ever made.

*I’m including a photo of the new Poncho flannel shirt.  They won’t ship for a few more weeks but you can bet I’ll have one when they do.