“My wife is driving me to check on some duck bait since I had a few liquor drinks this evening.” The call came at 9:45pm and it was Rhett Bickley, the Game Warden assigned to conduct my background investigation.  I was in final selection for a Game Warden spot myself and Rhett was calling to set up a time to meet with me and my wife.  A few days later the silver fox showed up on my porch and we became immediate friends…regardless of the fact that he flirted with Jess throughout the entire background interview.  Rhett was retired from being a legendary ladies man but the guy was still a talker.

Over the next few years my family grew and so did my friendship with Rhett.  Rhett always joked that he was my middle son’s true biological father and when we talked he’d always casually ask how his son was doing.  We’d both laugh.

I appreciated that Rhett never sugar-coated anything.  He didn’t have feelings and neither do I so we got along like peas and carrots.  His mouth landed him in trouble more than once but he always stood his ground and we all respected him for it.

Rhett died last week at the age of only 49 from what was most likely a heart attack.  He was in terrific shape and was the new leader of SCDNR’s dive team.  I must’ve gotten 20 calls about it within 48hrs from Game Wardens across the state.  Rhett Bickley will be missed more than he ever would’ve allowed himself to believe.  I certainly miss him.

Tonight, a Game Warden friend called to talk about Rhett and he joked that he may have actually overdosed on women.  It was an obvious joke as Rhett was true to his wife but I laughed a nervous laugh and made a mental note to go check my son for the telltale signs of an olive complexion or early-greying hair.  We love you, Rhett. -JV