Bob Kuhn is a name that’s been synonymous with wildlife art and excellence for more than 50 years. Born in Buffalo, New York, and educated at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, he studied design, anatomy, and life-drawing. For the next 30 years he was one of the most popular wildlife illustrators in America before turning to easel painting full time in 1970. Kuhn traveled around the world to find inspiration, with many of his wildlife expeditions lasting eight weeks. He made countless trips to Africa, six trips to Alaska, and numerous journeys to Canada and the American West.
Kuhn’s first love was African wildlife art, but in later years he concentrated on North American wildlife. He often painted simple backgrounds with horizontal bands of color and light. He worked primarily in acrylic and was well known for his ability to paint the particular movements and personalities of wild animals.

These Ward Brothers-carved mallards will also be on sale during the auction.
Kuhn’s famous Lions on Kill* will be sold during Guyette & Deeter’s November 9, 2017, auction, as will a rigmate pair of Ward Brothers mallard decoys**. The sale is open to the public, with an auction preview to be held November 8 from 12 p.m. till 8 p.m. Those interested may contact Jon Deeter at (440) 610-1768 for additional information.
* Lions on Kill, an acrylic on board, 21×44 inches, signed by the artist. Provenance: From a New England conservation organization. ($50,000-$80,000)
** Rigmate pair of mallards, Ward Brothers, Crisfield, Maryland. 1936 model. ($25,000-$35,000)