With many learning opportunities shifting to online formats, it only made sense for Fish and Game to go virtual with its popular WILD About Turkeys workshop.

Idaho Fish and Game’s Project WILD workshops have traditionally been a great way for educators to discover fun and exciting ways to teach wildlife conservation and ecological concepts in a classroom. With many learning and training opportunities shifting to online formats, it only made sense for Fish and Game to go virtual with its popular fall teacher workshop, WILD About Turkeys.

Just in time for Thanksgiving, this workshop is composed of several modules related to wild turkeys, habitats, conservation and wildlife management! Those interested in the workshop can register now and complete the modules anytime before December 30, 2020. Some of the modules take only a few minutes to complete and others take a little longer—but participants can work at their own pace and on their own schedule!

Here is what is in store for virtual workshop participants:

  • Short informational videos that teach basics about turkey biology and ecology, adaptations, habitat, and conservation
  • Fun and educational activities to be used in the classroom or even in an online-learning environment
  • A National Wild Turkey Federation educator’s guide
  • An Idaho Fish and Game educator’s supplement
  • Materials to create a homemade turkey call (feathers and all!)
  • Continuing education credit (optional)

Cost: $20 for the workshop, includes all guides and materials.

Cost for optional continuing education credit: $60 payable to Northwest Nazarene University and $24.50 for online Hunter Education course.

Register: Sign-up and pay for the workshop here. Participants will receive a link to the various workshop modules. Those interested in a continuing education credit option will also receive additional links and information.

This new virtual workshop will be a valuable resource for school teachers (K-12), online instructors, homeschool educators–even parents looking for tools to supporting their online learners. And, Wild About Turkeys isn’t just for the science educators. Even if you teach math, art, PE or run the library at your school, there is something for you in this workshop!

For more information, contact Lori Adams, Project WILD Coordinator for Idaho Fish and Game, at 208-863-3236 or lori.adams@idfg.idaho.gov.

turkey book coverIn Remembering the Greats, a 317-page hardbound book, Jim Casada brings his training as an historian, his decades of studying the grand masters of the sport, his avid collecting of the literature, and his personal hunting experiences to bear in a detailed examination of the careers of 27 icons from turkey hunting’s past. Collectively they epitomize the essence of what old timers sometimes refer to as true “turkey men.”

Each vignette focuses on the person’s contributions to the world of turkey hunting in capacities such as callmaking, authors of articles and books, avid hunters, seminar speakers, television personalities, biologists, conservationists, and more. Two common threads typify every man profiled: their consuming love of the wild turkey and the fact that they were fascinating characters. Buy Now