All work and no play makes Cam a dull boy!
Well, as I write these words the grouse and waterfowl seasons have been open around 70 days and I have been in pursuit of feathers for 62 of those days. Whew, I’m tired, and Mike needs to get a job so he does not hunt all the time and make me work, work, and work. I need a vacation!
When I let Mike know this, he said “great, let’s go hunt pheasants.” It just never ends with him.
So he loaded the truck, put in some dog treats, put the shotgun in a case and in the truck, put in more treats, some dog food, water and off we went to the pheasant fields. I let Mike drive most of the time because he will get there without having to stop at every fire hydrant he sees along the route, har har! This also gives me time to stare out the windows and scan fields and the road ditches for pheasants, alias “Ditch Chickens”. One of America’s greatest pastimes!
Well, hunting pheasants is a vacation because I have never seen one in my backyard. One thing I also really like about pheasants are that they sit tight most of the time — so I can point. Yes, I raise a front leg to point sometimes and other times I raise a rear leg. My call on pointing techniques and leg raising — keep those comments to yourself. When pursuing pheasants, I’m fast, and if they are slow, I can grab them by the tail, har har! Pheasants also smell good and are generally easy to detect in the brush. Well, if you are a dog that is so. You humans are so unrefined you cannot smell a pheasant in the bush.
On the downside of a pheasant hunting vacation are the misses by Mike. Luckily he is improving and I have more pheasants to retrieve. Another thing I like is exploring, and this year we have pursued ring-necks in many new hunting areas. I’ve marked all of those locations and can sell you a map with the numerous locations so you can go, and I do take credit cards. Don’t tell Mike, har har! —Cameron