What follows is a true story and not a tall hunting tale!

The other day while Mike was fly fishing on a river near our home, I continued doing what I do best — sniffing about. Every bush and object within 100 yards of a river or lake must be sniffed out, that’s my rule.

Well, on this day as I was sniffing, I detected the scent of a rabbit, I saw it was out of its hole and soon the chase was underway. Mike noted I was chasing something and was casually leaning on his long-handled fishing net to observe the action. The mesh net was resting against the ground. Soon, the grass ahead of him was shaking and the rabbit came running through the grass and ended up inside, in a frenzy.

I see a new style of hunting underway here and I’ll be writing a book about netting rabbits, har har!

Mike was kinda quick in raising the net, but the rabbit was quicker and jumped out before Mike could take a picture. The startled rabbit disappeared back into more brush. I spent the rest of the day strutting about with my head high and chest puffed out because I had chased and netted a rabbit. The great news is that Mike seems to be better at running a fishing net than he is in operating and shooting a shotgun, har har!

Next time we go hunting, I may drag the fishing net out of the garage and toss it into the truck. Maybe Mike will get the clue.

For Christmas I may buy him a telescoping net so that we can increase the number of upland birds and waterfowl we bring back from a hunt, har har! His netting skills are proficient as he proved. I unfortunately cannot say the same about his shotgunning skills. —Cameron


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