Ring of Spears
At last the tense ring was complete, and the spearmen rose and closed in. The next day, we moved camp to the edge of a swamp about five miles from the river. Near the tents was one of the trees which, not knowing its real name, we called "sausage-tree"; the seeds or...

Theodore Roosevelt and A Great Adventure
Roosevelt had said, "I want Uncle Sam to have a better African collection than anybody else"; he accomplished his purpose. Well-known African explorer-hunter Carl Akeley, a contemporary of Theodore Roosevelt, had a simple answer about why Roosevelt's African...

Season 5 Premiers this Week
The world’s most watched outdoor television series returns for its fifth season on Outdoor Channel this week through the end of 2023. Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey is a joint venture between Dorsey Pictures, the largest producer of outdoor lifestyle programming...

Two Sports
Men of remarkable talent and courage, Er Shelley and Paul Rainey brought a unique form of hunting to Africa. As the 20th century dawned, the gamelands near Memphis beckoned two very different young men. One was a pointing dog trainer from rural Michigan, uncannily...

A Monster in Tigerland
Hunters and natives join forces to end a cattle-killer’s reign of terror.

Suspense and Singing in the Bushveld
This was not our first safari, but this one was far more complex. We would hunt Cape buffalo, our first endeavor of such magnitude. Situations can quickly get out of hand when hunting Cape buffalo. This possibility is particularly enhanced when the pursuit is...

Binding An Elephant
After long days of hunting with no luck, it finally took a bit of native sorcery to make the difference on an elephant hunt. The flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg provides those unwilling to embrace the charms of Ambien with ample opportunity to think. In point of...

Betrayal and Death Hunt Unseen
An insensible threat was at fore, a primordial evil. The calico dog stopped dead-still, using the dusky shadows of the bush to secret himself from the revealing glimmer of the building moon. He had the fragile night breeze in his nose. On it had been borne the...

The Great Emu War
Ugly, shaggy, wide in the hips, quarrelsome, six feet tall, prone to grunting, sneaky as the cagiest Appalachian gobblers, with spurs that can rip down steel fences and a brain the size of a small walnut ... no, not your mother-in-law, but potentially a new game...

The Smile of Death in Africa
Largest of all reptiles, the crocodile is arguably the deadliest creature ever to walk or swim the face of the earth. Water beckons to most of the world. The inland bodies: lakes, streams, rivers and ponds, shimmer blue and tempting, time of passage, a respite from...