Come See Sporting Classics at the Houston Safari Club Convention
Stop by Booth 31 and get a special discount on Sporting Classics magazine.

Boddington on Buff
The legendary hunter gives advice on when, where, and how to hunt the Cape buffalo.

Join Bob Matthews on a Special African Bird Hunt
Our senior editor and shotguns columnist is going on a unique safari, and you can come along.

First-Time Safari
What you need to know before, during, and after your first trip abroad.

Special Deluxe Book Bundle Now Available!
Jack O’Connor, a modern day Old Man and the Boy, and a Sporting Classics anthology–what’s not to love?

The Man-Killing Rhinos of Tsavo
Lions weren’t the only threats Col. Patterson faced in Tsavo.

Zimbabwe to Cull 200 Lions after Banning Hunting
The lion population in one wildlife area has become so unmanageable since Walter Palmer’s killing of “Cecil” that officials are being forced to cull the animals.

Jimmy John’s CEO Targeted by Anti-Hunters for Hunting Photos
The ire over John Liautaud’s 2010 safari has waxed and waned over the years, but is resurging as the company prepares to go public.

Namibia Worried by EU Trophy Ban Proposal
Hunting bans might not be possible in Namibia, but outside influences could still hurt the industry.

Jack O’Connor’s .416 Rigby Mag. Up For Sale
O’Connor used it to take elephant, lion, and buffalo on the Dark Continent.