African Hunting Association Angers Many With Reversal on Captive-Bred Lion Hunting
Several prominent conservation organizations are denouncing it for the change.
USFWS OKs Elephant Imports
Trophy tuskers from Zambia and Zimbabwe are now legal for importation.
Zinke Announces Creation of the International Wildlife Conservation Council
The council will work to educate the public on the benefits of Americans hunting abroad.
USFWS Authorizes Lion Imports from Zambia, Zimbabwe
Those who hunted/will hunt in 2016, 2017, and 2018 may apply for the permits.
SCI Moving Convention from Mandalay Bay
The venue change has been in the works since 2013.
DSC Names Capstick Award Recipient
“Khalil Karimov is the living, breathing embodiment of the vision of the award.”
Death in the Peripheral Vision
A Kalahari lion nearly turns the tables on a hunter and his father.
Flying Firearms to Africa, Pt. 2
Fear of flying doubles when your flying partner is your favorite hunting rifle. But relax. Flying firearms to Africa is easier than you might imagine.
Flying Firearms to Africa, Pt. 1
Fear of flying doubles when your flying partner is your favorite hunting rifle. But relax. Flying firearms to Africa is easier than you might imagine.
Safari Words To Live By
Not knowing the local language while on vacation can be embarrassing. Not knowing the local language while on safari can be deadly.