Hope, Faith and the Man-Killer
Night and day they would pursue the huge beast that was threatening the very existence of several villages. Hope is twenty-three and Faith is two, and they live together, mother and child, in a tiny mud and grass-thatched rondavel a couple of miles from a place called...

The Kanda Man-Eater
One can suffer a bad case of mixed emotions when trying to call in a man-killing tiger. However little faith we have in the superstitions we share with others—13 at a table, the passing of wine at dinner, walking under a ladder, and so on—our own private...

Pursuing The Alpine Ibex
A once-in-a-lifetime hunt amid the lofty peaks of the Swiss Alps. Nearly a decade ago, I stayed in an Austrian castle, its walls adorned with architectural-looking alpine animal skulls. Perhaps the most intriguing of those was a goat-like creature, its...

The Rhinoceros: Its Bird Guardian, And How It Is Hunted
The Bechuana of Southern Africa, if he be rich enough, purchases a gun wherewith to attack the dauntless black rhinoceros, much preferring, as any one who has a chance of seeing Borele in all his savage grandeur will at once understand, to send the messenger of death...

Bowhunting Walkabout
Mum always said everything happens for the best. Who would of thunk a conked-out Cruiser could lead to so much bowhunting fun? Standing alone in dry, desolate outback, I feel first rage, then fear, then can do nothing but laugh out loud at my predicament. I had blamed...

Booking A Vancouver Bear Hunt
Q: Larry, I’m headed to the Dallas Safari Club Convention where I plan to book a black bear hunt, my first big game hunt beyond having hunted whitetail deer and wild hogs in Alabama for the past twenty years. I’d like to go to British Columbia’s Vancouver Island....

Legends of the Hunt – Rogue
A gunshot and a scream shatter the still African morning air. A hunter is dead in his tent from a massive head wound; a gun in his hand. A white hunter and his gun-bearers rush to the tent followed by a sobbing woman close behind. It is the start of what will become...

Death In The Dust
The author discovers “the most thrilling experience of my life” when a cow elephant decides to get even. It was Rick Stoeckel’s second African hunt. As with most, he had cut his teeth on plains game and couldn't wait to return for something big. By the time our plane...

The Last Rhino
Listed as seriously endangered, rhino could face extinction in the wild within the next few years. Africa’s mystique and appeal often involves danger that, to a large extent, is why hunters the world over are drawn there to hunt big game. Hunting as a resident of...

Hunters Helping To Build Schools In Africa
Dr. Peter Nalos is a cardiologist and evangelist minister in Bakersfield, California. He is—or was—also a serious big game hunter with countless trophies and awards and records to his name. While he has hunted widely in many different countries, he—like so many other...