Where the Buffalo Roam
It’s possible to stick Australia’s Asiatic buffalo with a bow, but be prepared for painful stalks and saltwater crocodiles.

The Elephant on the Mountain
Only eight short paces would separate the aggressive young rogue and his pursuers when they finally met in the dark of an African night.

The Legend of Bwana Cottar
The first American-born professional hunter in Africa, Charles Cottar would survive three leopard maulings and near-fatal attacks by elephant and buffalo to found the First Family of Safari.

A Growling In the Rain
Sensing something wasn't right, the lion popped his head out from behind the tree. Instantly, his big eyes blazed like coals and he issued a deep, rumbling growl. It was a hot and dry September day in Tanzania, just south of the little village of Loiborserrit. We left...

William Cornwallis Harris – Africa’s Audubon
Though engaging as a literary craftsman, Harris is even more appealing as an artist. The game-rich veld of southern Africa was his studio; lions, elephants, and even a now extinct species of wild horse were his subjects. Although he would spend less than a year...

Bedtime Story
The bear pounced on him like a dog on a gopher and was soon shaking and mauling both Earl and the canvas. Some of the best hunting in North America is to be found south of the Mexican border along the Sierra Madre Mountains, from western Chihuahua and extending down...

The Lunatic Express
The gruesome exploits of the maneaters, together with those of Lieutenant Colonel John Henry Patterson...form one of the most fantastic tales in the annals of African adventure. In the 1890s Britain's far-flung empire covered a quarter of the globe, including a number...

Bonefishing The Coast Of Maya
Still ruled by the spirits of Mayan kings, Mexico's Espiritu Santo Bay is a timeless place of ancient temples, unexplored tropical forests alive with strange and wondrous creatures, and hidden lagoons where on some days, eager bonefish snatch every fly tossed their...

An African Portfolio of Art
The continent of Africa has been viewed with a mixture of fear and greed for the past 500 years... “The wild creatures I had come to Africa to see are exhilarating in their multitudes and colors, and I imagined far a time that this glimpse of the earth's morning might...

Siberian Ibex – Heart of the Tian Shan
And here, among these crumbling cliffs and dizzying heights, I had come to hunt the Siberian Mid-Asian ibex in the dark heart and sharp teeth of dead winter. Eons ago, in a great battle of continents, the Indian and Eurasian plates collided with planetary force,...