The Cold Burn Cognition of Living
Islands in the stream...eras in the flow of a man’s lifetime. Days lapse January meager now, and this one is dying. In the twilight of its wake, snow is born. Death to one, life to another. Waylaid at my threshold by the magic, rescued from the zephyr of melancholy...
Blacktail Bait with Wine Grapes
Blacktail hunting in California vineyards is an uncommon pursuit because California vineyard blacktails are an uncommon animal. Texans have a saying. Don’t Californicate Texas. Keep your ground hugging Ferraris, man buns and cappuccinos on the Left Coast. Texas is the...
Hunting Gear – Ode to Old Ways
We all know the type. Maybe it’s you, most likely it’s your old man or, perhaps, a grandfather. The one who is stuck in the “good old days.” “God almighty this is heavy,” doing my best impression of Atlas carrying what only could have amounted to the weight of the...
New Year’s Resolutions, Candid Cameron
What are these New Year's Resolutions hoomans keep talking about? I have heard many hoomans make plans for the New Year, and they set lofty goals or unreachable restrictions upon themselves. Yikes, more of you should live carefree like we dogs do. Nothing matters, har...
Dispatch From the Caribbean 3
The people along the sand All turn and look one way. They turn their back on the land. They look at the sea all day. As long as it takes to pass A ship keeps raising its hull; The wetter ground like glass Reflects a standing gull The land may vary more; But wherever...
Dispatch From the Caribbean 2
“Long have you timidly waded Holding a plank by the shore, Now I will you to be a bold swimmer, To jump off in the midst of the sea, Rise again, nod to me, shout, And laughingly dash with your hair.” - Walt Whitman There are moments when you feel an action. Something...
Candid Cameron – Deer Camp
This week on Candid Cameron, the Weim speaks of going to deer camp and finding the best of a situation where he doesn't get to hunt. If you have been reading my columns here, you know I live to hunt—birds! When Mike announced another hunting road trip, I was in the...
Dispatch From the Caribbean
We arrived in St. Croix around three this afternoon. The atmosphere was a bit heavy, some weighty humidity. The wind carried in an air of salt — mnemonic zephyrs of days yester. Scents have an uncanny power to conjure old memories. Catch a whiff of the sea when you...
A Deer Hunter is Born – Preface
A Deer Hunter is Born I was only 14 in the fall of 1956, but I was already a passionate pheasant hunter. Once the hunting season opened, while the other guys were at football practice or shooting pool and playing the pinball machines a Mel's Grill, you could usually...
SEWE Celebrates 40 Years
SEWE 2022 Celebrates 40 Years 40th Annual Southeastern Wildlife Exposition February 18-20, 2022 | VIP events begin February 17 Downtown Charleston, S.C. SEWE Celebrates 40 years this February: The Southeastern Wildlife Exposition (SEWE) has proudly presented...