Texas Solutions for Bobwhite Quail Population
About a quarter century ago I shared a quail field near Albany, Georgia, with an aging quail plantation owner who, like me, also enjoyed hunting big game across the American West and beyond. As we walked toward a brace of his pointers that froze simultaneously at the...
Don’t Waste Winter – Candid Cameron
It certainly has been cold outdoors lately, and the snow is becoming deeper. It’s official, winter is underway in North America — it began back on December 21 in case you do not have a calendar. While several bird hunting seasons are closed, or closing soon in some...
Arthur Burdett Frost – The Sportsman’s Artist
A. B. Frost's paintings captured all the tenseness & humor of sporting situations while retaining the natural characteristics of the hunter & the hunted. Because of the artist's familiarity with human nature, his love for the sport and the creatures of the...
Jay Kemp Swinging for the Fence
"I don't want to bunt every time. I'm going to swing for the fence." Jay Kemp is explaining how his most successful painting came to life. He wanted to paint a big bull elk, he says, running a hand through his hair, green eyes looking beyond the glass doors of his...
Dead or Alive in Zimbabwe
I had an uneasy, anxious feeling as we drove to the bait tree just east of camp. It was with a bit of apprehension that I viewed my trip back to Zimbabwe and a patch of hunting land I had come to know and love. Through my long-term partnership with property owner...
Hunting Caribou in the Arctic – My Saudade River
It’s cold and gray. That time of year when you gaze out the window, your breath condensing on the glass, and let your mind wander. The Portuguese have a term they call "Saudade." It doesn’t translate well to English, but it connotes a deep longing for places,...
Tales to Tell in Winter
When I was seventeen, it was a very good year. It was a very good year for small- town girls and soft summer nights. We'd hide from the lights on the village green When I was seventeen. - Ervin Drake I was not yet 17 when I first heard The Kingston Trio sing Ervin...
State Dogs – Candid Cameron
There are state dogs! I am launching my campaign! Well, during some recent research, alias computer surfing online, I stopped ordering dog treats and suddenly discovered some dog breeds have been appointed to the high position off official state dog in several states....
10 Best Hunting States Ranked
Fresh off my annual multi-state fall hunting tour — part of the occupational hazard of being an outdoor television host, former magazine editor and book author (I know, it’s a dirty job…) — it seems an opportune time to assess the state of hunting. That is, with more...
Road Trip Discoveries – Candid Cameron
Road Trip Time! On a recent bird hunting road trip (yes, Mike was driving the truck in case you were wondering), I passed through South Dakota. It’s a great state with more ring-necked pheasants living there than people. WOW! There is also South Dakota’s Governor...