Bobwhite Quail – Comin’ Up With Bob

Bobwhite Quail – Comin’ Up With Bob

It was boots and chaps. Gents and hats. Shotguns and spats. It was dog-folks gentle and gay. It was dignified old live oaks, bearded grizzled and gray. It was a lazy old mule wagon, creak rattle and sway. “The Lord’s own symphony,” my Grandma Betts would say, “in the...

Tiger Attack in Vietnam

Tiger Attack in Vietnam

In the dark night, the men sat listening. Originally no more than five feet from the last team member, Sgt. Phleger had disappeared. As a Marine deployed to Southeast Asia 25 years ago, I had heard of tiger sightings in the bush and an incident where a Marine had been...

Advice On Selecting Gun Pups

Advice On Selecting Gun Pups

It’s that time of year when many dog breeders have pups for sale. I can give my advice, if you are seeking a dog — they are all good. I understand dogs. I speak with authority, I am a dog. First rule of thumb is look at the pup’s parents and guess how much that adult...

Leo Tolstoy and The Bear Hunt

Leo Tolstoy and The Bear Hunt

I felt something warm above my head and realized the bear was drawing my whole face into its mouth; my nose, already in it and feeling the heat of it... Have you had summer in Moscow and St. Petersburg this year? "the bundled-up June tourist asked at the train depot...